OH-05: NRCC Pours it On

The GOP is continuing to pour its resources into the OH-05 special election.  The latest expenditure?  $17,319 on phone banks this weekend.  That kind of money can buy you an awful lot of phone calls, especially of the robotic variety.

This brings the NRCC’s total tab in the OH-05 race to $428,001.

Meanwhile, GOP money is flowing fast and furious into Bob Latta’s campaign coffers.  In his most recent 48 hour fundraising reports, Latta brought in $110,100 on December 7th, and another $45,700 yesterday (including $15K from himself).  If you dig through the reports, Latta is raking in cash from the campaign committees of all sorts of congresscritters: Steve Chabot, Frank Wolf, Mario Diaz-Balart, Bill Shuster, Pat Tiberi, Chris Shays, Jon Porter, and others.

Let it be known that Republicans are throwing everything they’ve got into this race.

12 thoughts on “OH-05: NRCC Pours it On”

  1. They are further bankrupting them selfs but I wonder why don’t we match that? This seat is so close we have to pour everything we have into it.

  2. Notice contributions from Jon Porter, Chris Shays and Steve Chabot.  All three are in very vulnerable districts, it’s odd that they would give such a huge chunk of money to this campaign.  Are Republicans so scared that Latta’s defeat would fortell catastrophe that they’re putting pressure on even members who can ill afford to give $ to cough it up?  All are relatively young, Porter is 52, Shays is 62, Chabot is 54, but this evidence points to possible retirements on behalf of all three, especially Shays who I’d put even money on leaving.

    1. Let me take a stab at it. Sometimes you need to look at the rate of return. My hunch is that the Democrats are getting a bigger bang for the money they put into it. It also looks like Weirauch’s ground troops are working harder and are much more enthusiastic. They smell blood and that generates a lot of energy.

      The Republicans, I suspect, were still ahead but saw themselves sliding backward the past few days, and now they are throwing in the kitchen sink to pull it out of the fire.

      Something straight out of my ass. We’ll see what happens.  

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